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What is Teeth Grinding? How to Prevent Teeth Grinding?


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What is Teeth Grinding? How to Prevent Teeth Grinding?

What is teeth grinding? What are the symptoms of teeth grinding? Why do we grind our teeth? Is there a cure for teeth grinding?

What is Bruxism (Bruxism)?

Bruxism (clenching) is a condition in which an individual clenches, grinds or applies force against their teeth. People with this condition may clench their teeth unconsciously while awake. Or they may clench or grind their teeth during sleep.

Teeth grinding is normally considered a behavioral disorder associated with sleep. Individuals who grind or clench their teeth during sleep are likely to experience snoring and breathing pauses, indicating that they may also involuntarily clench their teeth.

Symptoms of Tooth Grinding

  1. Teeth grinding causes problems in the mouth and surrounding tissues. Accordingly, abrasions occur on the surfaces due to the friction of the teeth against each other. These abrasion conditions are more pronounced in the front teeth.
  2. Cracks may occur. If not prevented, these cracks can turn into fractures.
  3. Hypersensitivity to heat or cold may occur, teeth may shake or gap.
  4. Chronic headaches and facial pains may occur. The main cause of this pain is an imbalance in the jaw joints where the chewing muscles and teeth are located.

Causes of Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding during sleep can have many causes. Generally, sleep problems during sleep, stress, unfavorable life conditions, frequent consumption of alcohol and caffeine, medication, sleep apnea and snoring are among the most common causes. If sleep apnea, sleep apnea, sleep talking and snoring-like disorders experienced by patients during sleep are not intervened, teeth grinding problems may occur during sleep.

In addition, it has been determined that the patient with teeth grinding problem experiences teeth grinding as a result of psychological problems such as emotional state, living conditions, stress, anger. For this reason, people who suffer from teeth grinding should listen to relaxing music, breathing exercises There are many different alternative treatment methods such as taking quiet walks, going for quiet walks, living life in a way that feels more comfortable, taking a bath with warm water.

Another cause of teeth grinding during sleep is the patient’s living conditions, alcohol and nicotine consumption. Patients also experience teeth grinding due to excessive amounts of alcohol and excess caffeine entering the body. In addition, the medications and treatments used by the patient also cause the problem of teeth grinding.

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