What is Filling Aesthetics?
Especially in recent years, aesthetics is as important as health in dentistry treatments. People want to eliminate functional or structural problems related to their teeth, to have healthier teeth, while at the same time trying to achieve a perfect appearance. They want to remove situations such as communication problems and lack of self-confidence that arise due to unaesthetic teeth from their lives. Aesthetic dentistry applications show a rapid development at this point. These applications, which make it possible for people to have healthy as well as perfect looking teeth and the smile of their dreams, are in high demand.
With the developing medicine and advancing technology, a new one is added to aesthetic dentistry applications every day. Today, fillings that are among the aesthetic dentistry applications and in the form and color most suitable for the natural tooth form, Filling aesthetics is done with treatment. So what is filling aesthetics, which applications does it cover?
Composite material is used for aesthetic filling. Filling material in a color suitable for the person’s original tooth is prepared. Then this material is hardened by means of halogen light and bonded to the problematic tooth with bonding application. Since the filling is adjusted in accordance with the person’s own tooth color, its borders are not obvious. Aesthetic tooth filling It is indistinguishable from one’s original teeth and that is the goal.
What are the Advantages of Aesthetic Filling?
Aesthetic tooth filling, which stands out with its prevalence and reliability among modern dental aesthetic applications, provides many advantages to the person. We can list these advantages as follows:
- Since it gives the closest result to the original tooth in terms of color and shape, the filling cannot be distinguished from natural tooth enamel. Thus, an aesthetic appearance is achieved.
- Thanks to the aesthetic filling, the tooth continues to be used functionally.
- With the developing technology, alternative materials have started to be used for aesthetic fillings. Thus, aesthetic fillings have a very long-lasting, healthy and of course aesthetic structure.
- Aesthetic fillings, which are prepared close to the hardness of the original teeth, also act as a protector against possible fracture cases in the tooth.
- Composite technology allows even teeth that used to require veneers to continue their existence in the mouth with only fillings.