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Is Hollywood Smile a Permanent Application?


Is Hollywood Smile a Permanent Application?

Hollywood smileis among the aesthetic dentistry applications that have been in high demand especially in recent years. Smiles inspired by the smiles of world-famous stars and / or designed individually define the Hollywood smile. The aim of this aesthetic design method is to achieve harmony between teeth, gums and lips. To achieve this harmony, different branches of modern dentistry collaborate and use certain standards.

With the Hollywood smile, which aims for a healthy, radiant and symmetrical dental appearance, existing deformities and discolorations in the teeth are eliminated and gum-related disorders are eliminated. Porcelain lamina With applications such as porcelain veneers or porcelain veneers, teeth are restored to their white and aesthetic appearance.

For the Hollywood smile application, the person is first subjected to a detailed examination by a specialist dentist. Existing problems with the teeth are clearly revealed. A personalized design is planned for incompatibilities. At this point, in addition to the needs of the oral and dental structure, the person’s own demands and expectations should also be taken into consideration. After all these criteria are evaluated by the specialist, the ideal smile design for the person is put forward and the application is started.

According to your needs in Hollywood smile application implant, porcelain veneer, bleaching many different treatments can be realized. In this sense, Hollywood smile design can be considered a multidisciplinary treatment approach.

The way to achieve the sparkling Hollywood smile of one’s dreams is through the application of personalized, carefully planned, professional designs. So is Hollywood smile design a permanent application?

Actually, the answer to this question is in the person himself/herself. Smile design includes medically permanent treatments. However, for this, the person must fulfill oral and dental care practices in a disciplined manner. It is important to avoid eating and drinking habits and smoking that may damage the teeth or cause them to lose their whiteness. If the necessary sensitivity is not shown for oral and dental health and care after the procedure and the teeth are left to their fate, the permanence of the design cannot be guaranteed.

In order to maintain the whiteness and sparkle of your teeth, you should not neglect regular brushing, flossing, mouthwash and regular dental check-ups.

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