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Can Teeth Deteriorate Again After Orthodontic Treatment?


Can Teeth Deteriorate Again After Orthodontic Treatment?

Ortodontik Tedavi Sonrasında Dişler Tekrar Bozulabilir mi? Orthodontic treatment is carried out in order to correct the crowding and separation of the teeth or problems with the alignment. Although thanks to modern and up-to-date treatment methods orthodontic treatment processes Even though it is faster, easier and less worrisome than before, orthodontic treatments can sometimes require a great deal of patience and dedication on the part of the patient. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the teeth are permanently corrected so that the completed treatment is worth the troublesome processes experienced.

At this point orthodontic treatment measures need to be put in place to prevent the teeth from deteriorating again after treatment. For example, in cases of split teeth, there is a significantly high probability that the teeth will separate from each other again after treatment. Especially in such cases with a high probability of recurrence, it is necessary to manage the process called reinforcement treatment correctly in order to prevent the teeth from deteriorating again.

The stages of orthodontic treatment, which can generally be categorized under two headings, start with the first active treatment. During this treatment, the teeth are replaced and the tooth alignment in the mouth is restored to the way it should be. After the completed active treatment, “retainer”, i.e. reinforcement treatment, is applied to prevent the displaced teeth from returning to their old state.

For example, orthodontic treatment is not completely completed after the teeth are treated with braces. At this point, the active treatment is complete. But there is still passive reinforcement therapy to be completed.

Reinforcement Therapy Methods

It is the specialist dentist who will decide which type of reinforcement treatment will be applied afterorthodontic treatment. Today, the most commonly used methods for reinforcement therapy include lingal retainer and transparent plaque application comes next.

Lingual treatment is performed by applying thin wires to the tongue-facing parts of the 6 incisors located in the front of the mouth. These wires are never visible from the outside. In addition, these braces do not negatively affect the comfort or oral hygiene of the person. Lingual retainer treatment can continue for an average of 5 years.

Transparent plaques are devices that can be inserted and removed at will. The transparent aligners used as reinforcement treatment should remain in the mouth for a certain period of time. This prevents the treated teeth from deteriorating again.

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